UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka
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1. The result list only shows up to 10 items but the result is more than that. How can I navigate to the next page ?

2. What is exploded search term ?

3. Is there any time-out when using the search function ?

4. Why some of words in my search terms did not being included in the search results ?

5. Examples of search term.

Questions and Answers

1. The result list only shows up to 10 items but the result is more than that. How can I navigate to the next page ?
At the bottom of the results list, you may see the navigation toolbar to browse to the next page of the resultset. Use 'Next' to navigate further or 'Previous' for prior pages.

2. What is exploded search term ?
Whenever you typed multiple value in the search box, the 'Exploded Search Term' function will be activated and separate those multiple value into segmented search entries. Click on any of those segmented search term will redo the search function using the new search term.

3. Is there any time-out when using the search function ?
No. Normal user will be automatically be logged in as Guest. Guest mode do not have any specific access duration per session.

4. Why some of words in my search terms did not being included in the search results ?
Please take note that common words (often called 'noise terms') will be filtered and not to be included in the final search result. This is to ensure that you will get hold of accurate result with given search terms.

5. Examples of search term.
The following examples demonstrate some search terms that can be use by users of this system:
  • apple banana

    Find result(s) that contain at least one of the two words.

  • +apple +juice

    Find result(s) that contain both words.

  • +apple macintosh

    Find result(s) that contain the word apple, but rank result(s) higher if they also contain macintosh.

  • +apple -macintosh

    Find result(s) that contain the word apple but not macintosh.

  • +apple ~macintosh

    Find result(s) that contain the word apple, but if the row also contains the word macintosh, rate it lower than if row does not. This is softer than a search for '+apple -macintosh', for which the presence of macintosh causes the row not to be returned at all.

  • +apple +(>turnover <strudel)

    Find result(s) that contain the words apple and turnover, or apple and strudel (in any order), but rank apple turnover higher than apple strudel.

  • apple*

    Find result(s) that contain words such as apple, apples, applesauce, or applet.

  • "some words"

    Find result(s) that contain the exact phrase some words (for example, result(s) that contain some words of wisdom but not some noise words). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotes that enclose the search string itself.

Installed and configured by UNIRAZAK Library
If you have enquiries with this repository, kindly contact us at pustaka@unirazak.edu.my or 03-2707275