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Book and Textbook
Social Psychology
Saul Kassin
43 hits

Book and Textbook
Reflective Practice
Gillie Bolton
19 hits

Book and Textbook
Introduction to the Social Sciences
Maurice Duverger
34 hits

Book and Textbook
Life-Span Development
John W. Santrock
19 hits

Book and Textbook
Social Psychology and Human Nature
Roy F. Baumeister
17 hits

Book and Textbook
Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology
Ronald J. Comer
60 hits

Book and Textbook
Raising Good Humans
Hunter Clark-Fields
18 hits

Book and Textbook
Research Methods in Psychology
Dennis Howitt
41 hits

Book and Textbook
An Introduction to the social sciences
Stephen Bogardus
20 hits

Conference Paper and Proceeding
Comparative Analysis of TVET Instructor Competency Standards: Insights from Malaysia and Beyond
Maznizam Bin Mansor, Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed, Mohammed Reyasudin Bin Basir Khan, Mohd Nor Azlan Bin Mohamed Sidek
133 hits

Academic Journal
Evaluating Factors Influencing Job Performance Among TVET Trainee Instructor Graduates in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework
Maznizam Bin Mansor, Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed b, Mohammed, Reyasudin Bin Basir Khan, Mohd Nor Azlan Bin Mohamed Sidek.
130 hits

Book and Textbook
Panduan Amalan di Bulan Ramadhan
Sarip bin Abdul, susunan.
50 hits

Academic Journal
Artificial Intelligence-Powered Carbon Emissions Forecasting: Implications for Sustainable Supply Chains and Green Finance
Muhammed Sameer Uddin, Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed, John Ebert
155 hits

Book and Textbook
Etika Islam Dalam Membina Peradaban Manusia Yang Cemerlang
Zuraimy Ali
119 hits

Book and Textbook
Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
Mohd Azhar Abdul Hamid, editor
142 hits

Book and Textbook
Philosophy and Current Issues
Khairul Hamimah Mohamad Jodi
282 hits

Book and Textbook
Financial Accounting and Reporting in Malaysia
Tan Liong Tong
79 hits

Book and Textbook
The Constitution of Malaysia : a contextual analysis
Andrew Harding
144 hits

Book and Textbook
Malaysia Master Tax Guide
K. Sandra Segaran
164 hits

Book and Textbook
Islamic legal maxims & their application in Islamic finance
Prof Dr Mohamad Akram Laldin
266 hits
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