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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 6
Simplified search suggestions : Alison Carr-Chellman

TextBook and References
Issues in technology, learning, and instructional design : classic and contemporary dialogues
Alison A. Carr-Chellman
154 hits

TextBook and References
English Phonetics and Phonology : An Introduction
Philip Carr
349 hits

TextBook and References
Exploring Cognitive Development: The Child As Problem Solver
Alison F. Garton
102 hits

TextBook and References
The Millennial's Guide to Changing the World: A New Generation's Handbook to Being Yourself and Living with Purpose
Alison Lea Sher
103 hits

Academic Journal
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Livelihood Vulnerability of Small-Scale Fisheries Communities in Sabah, Malaysia
Mohd Fadzliee Asmat, Hilmi Mat Ghani, Raymie Nurhasan, Gazi Md Nurul Islam
2334 hits

TextBook and References
Business Research Methods
William G. Zikmund
339 hits

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