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Total records found : 13
Simplified search suggestions : Arthur Asa Berger

TextBook and References
Media and Communication Research Methods : An Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Arthur Asa Berger
339 hits

The Effect of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior: The Case of Berger Bangladesh
Madeha Nur
191 hits

TextBook and References
Foundations of Finance : The Logic and Practice of Financial Management
Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin, J. William Petty
661 hits

TextBook and References
Counselling in Cultural Contexts Identities and Social Justice
Nancy Arthur
290 hits

TextBook and References
The Compensation Handbook : A State-of-the-Art Guide to Compensation Strategy and Design
Dorothy R. Berger
109 hits

TextBook and References
The Compensation Handbook. A State-of-the-Art Guide to Compensation Strategy and Design
Dorothy R Berger
80 hits

TextBook and References
Crafting and executing strategy : the Quest for Competitive Advantage : Concepts and Cases
Arthur A. Thompson
150 hits

TextBook and References
Microeconomics : Principles, Applications, and Tools
Arthur O'Sullivan
177 hits

TextBook and References
Foundations of Finance : The Logic and Practice of Financial Management
Arthur J Keown
151 hits

TextBook and References
Adaptive Sports Medicine : A Clinical Guide
Arthur Jason De Luigi (editor)
88 hits

Academic Journal
Global Business & Finance Review
Jeong-Gil Choi
8141 hits

Academic Journal
Corporate Governance Practices in the Paint Industry of Bangladesh
A H M Yeaseen Chowdhury, Fariha Hassan, Md. Mamun Habib
2048 hits

TextBook and References
Financial management : principles and applications
Sheridan Titman
209 hits

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