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Total records found : 12
Simplified search suggestions : Edward Finegan

TextBook and References
Language : Its Structure and Use
Edward Finegan
123 hits

Academic Journal
Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour
Andylla Arbi Mohamad Bolhassan, Azrul Anuar Bin Abdullah, Baheeratiy a/p Baskaran, Christina Edward Endot, Hanisah binti Tarsik, Hazlane Joos,, Jachin
7961 hits

Academic Journal
Positivist Research and its Influence in Management Accounting Research
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheok Mui Yee and Edward Wong Sek Khin
587 hits

Academic Journal
Conceptual Model Of Budgetary Activity On Firms Performance: Malaysian Smes Case Study
Edward Wong Sek Khin, Assoc Prof. Dr. Cheok Mui Yee and Kamisah Ismail
637 hits

Academic Journal
Accounting As A Representational Craft: Reflexive Accounting Research
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cheok Mui Yee and Edward Wong Sek Khin
608 hits

The Importance of Organizational Development and Change to boost Employee’s Performance and Productivity
Christina Edward Endot
284 hits

TextBook and References
Management Basics for Information Professionals
G. Edward Evans, Stacey Greenwell
348 hits

TextBook and References
Positive Psychology : The Science of Happiness and Flourishing
William C. Compton and Edward Hoffman
484 hits

Academic Journal
Global Business & Finance Review
Jeong-Gil Choi
8102 hits

Academic Journal
Change Management for Information System in Public Service
S.A.M Manzur Hossain Khan, Nurakmal Ahmad Mustaffa, Md. Mamun Habib, Mahadi Hasan Miraz, Ferdoush Saleheen, Mashiour Rahman
3502 hits

Academic Journal
The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Performance of Private Universities in Malaysia
Govindaraju Basu, John Jeyasingam, Md.Mamun Habib, Uvarani Letchmana, Ravindran Radhakrishnan
5830 hits

TextBook and References
Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills
Riley L. Harvill
124 hits

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