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Total records found : 69
Simplified search suggestions : John F Eller

Book and Textbook
Trauma-Sensitive Instruction : Creating A Safe And Predictable Classroom Environment
John F. Eller
1206 hits

Academic Journal
A Structural Equation Model for the Study of Education Supply Chain Management Practices in Private Universities in Malaysia
Basu Govindaraju, John Jeyasingam, Md. Mamun Habib, Uvarani Letchmana
7836 hits

Academic Journal
Factors that Contribute to the Achievement of Sustainability in Private Universities of Malaysia
Basu Govindaraju, John Jeyasingam, Md. Mamun Habib, Uvarani Letchmana, Ravindran Rathakrishnan
8997 hits

Academic Journal
The Impact of Supply Chain Management Practices on the Performance of Private Universities in Malaysia
Govindaraju Basu, John Jeyasingam, Md.Mamun Habib, Uvarani Letchmana, Ravindran Radhakrishnan
12488 hits

Academic Journal
Education Supply Chain Management Model to Achieve Sustainability in Private Universities in Malaysia: A Review
Govindaraju Basu, John Jeyasingam, Md. Mamun Habib
10227 hits

Academic Journal
The Significance of Reliability and Validity analysis on Education Supply Chain Management Practices
Basu Govindaraju, John Jeyasingam, Md. Mamun Habib, Uvarani Letchmana
3974 hits

Book and Textbook
Strategic Human Resource Management : A Research Overview
John Storey, Patrick M. Wright and Dave Ulrich
2881 hits

Book and Textbook
Research Design : Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
John W. Creswell
2857 hits

Book and Textbook
Education and Social Change Contours in the History of American Schooling
John L. Rury
2710 hits

Book and Textbook
Five Levels of Leadership Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential
John C. Maxwell.
2701 hits

Book and Textbook
Investigating Mathematics, Science and Technology in Early Childhood
Amy MacDonald, John Rafferty
2597 hits

Book and Textbook
Environmental Sustainability and Education for Waste Management Implications for Policy and Practice
Winnie Wing Mui So, Cheuk Fai Chow, John Chi Kin Lee, editor
4041 hits

Book and Textbook
Corporate Environmental Management
John Darabaris
2448 hits

Book and Textbook
Practice Exercises for Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Tools and Step-by-step Examples
Eric Dunaway, John C. Strandholm, Ana Espinola-Arredondo, and Felix Munoz-Garcia
2809 hits

Book and Textbook
Business, Government, and Society a Managerial Perspective : Text and Cases
John F. Steiner, and George A. Steiner
2805 hits

Book and Textbook
Ethics and The Conduct of Business
John R. Boatright, Jeffrey Smith
2914 hits

Book and Textbook
The Psychology of Thinking : Reasoning, Decision-making and Problem-solving
John Paul Minda
3500 hits

Book and Textbook
Managing Innovation : Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change
Joe Tidd, John Bessant
2134 hits

Book and Textbook
Ethics for International Business : Decision Making in a Global Political Economy
John M. Kline
1977 hits

Book and Textbook
Financial Institutions Management : A Risk Management Approach
Anthony Saunders, John M. Schiff
1299 hits
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