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Total records found : 13
Simplified search suggestions : Alan Sangster

TextBook and References
Frank Woods Business Accounting 2
Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
537 hits

TextBook and References
Frank Wood's Business Accounting: An Introduction to Financial Accounting
Alan Sangster
153 hits

TextBook and References
An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Janet Finlay, Alan Dix
502 hits

TextBook and References
Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability
Wheelen, Thomas L., Hunger, J. David, Hoffman, Alan N., Bamford, Charles E
1624 hits

TextBook and References
IT Governance an International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002
Alan Calder, Steve Watkins
438 hits

TextBook and References
IT Governance : an International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002
Steve Watkins; Alan Calder
255 hits

TextBook and References
Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care : Languages of Evaluation
Gunilla Dahlberg, Peter Moss and Alan Pence
705 hits

TextBook and References
Beyond Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care : Languages of Evaluation
Gunilla Dahlberg, Peter Moss and Alan Pence
636 hits

TextBook and References
Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences
Alan Agresti
185 hits

TextBook and References
Human Resource Management Strategy and Practice
Alan Nankervis, Marian Baird, Jane Coffey, and John Shields
314 hits

TextBook and References
Social Research Methods
Alan Bryman
201 hits

Academic Journal
Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour
Andylla Arbi Mohamad Bolhassan, Azrul Anuar Bin Abdullah, Baheeratiy a/p Baskaran, Christina Edward Endot, Hanisah binti Tarsik, Hazlane Joos,, Jachin
7927 hits

TextBook and References
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Richard A. Brealey
491 hits

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