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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 4
Simplified search suggestions : Alice F Artzt

Academic Journal
Becoming a Reflective Mathematics Teacher.: A Guide for Observations and Self-Assessment
Alice F. Artzt
104 hits

TextBook and References
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
Marjorie J. Kostelnik, Anne K. Soderman, Alice Phipps Whiren, Michelle L. Rupiper
388 hits

TextBook and References
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum Best Practices in Early Childhood Education
Marjorie J. Kostelnik, Anne K. Soderman, Alice Phipps Whiren, Michelle L. Rupiper
354 hits

TextBook and References
Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay (Student Book) (v. 2)
Alice Savage
101 hits

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