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Total records found : 6
Simplified search suggestions : Christian Bason

TextBook and References
Leading Public Sector Innovation : Co-creating for a Better Society
Christian Bason
48 hits

TextBook and References
Leading Public Design : Discovering Human-Centred Governance
Christian Bason
45 hits

TextBook and References
Pragmatics of Social Media
Christian R. Hoffmann, Wolfram Bublitz, edited.
497 hits

TextBook and References
Social Media a Critical Introduction
Christian Fuchs
90 hits

Academic Journal
Low Market Penetration of Takaful Among Malaysians: Non-Takaful Customers’ Perspective
Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed and Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi.
2020 hits

Academic Journal
Management And Leadership In The Klang Valley It Sector:
Dr. Hemaloshinee Vasudevan
2562 hits

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