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Total records found : 10
Simplified search suggestions : Fred Phillips

TextBook and References
Managerial Accounting
Stacey Whitecotton, Robert Libby, Fred Phillips.
227 hits

TextBook and References
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Fred Phillips
133 hits

TextBook and References
Strategic Management : a Competitive Advantage Approach, Concept & Cases
Fred R. David and Forest R. David
828 hits

TextBook and References
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication
Richard Jackson Harris and Fred W. Sanborn
744 hits

TextBook and References
The Routledge Handbook of Language Testing
Glenn Fulcher and Fred Davidson, edited
360 hits

TextBook and References
Organizational Behavior : an Evidence-based Approach
Fred Luthans, Brett C. Luthans, Kyle W. Luthans
179 hits

TextBook and References
International management : culture, strategy, and behavior
Fred Luthans
115 hits

TextBook and References
An introduction to intercultural communication : identities in a global community
Fred E. Jandt
138 hits

TextBook and References
Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases
Fred David
138 hits

TextBook and References
Change and Execute : How to Transform and Design Your Business for Sustained Success
Kevin E. Phillips
104 hits

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