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Total records found : 39
Simplified search suggestions : Hazik Mohamed

TextBook and References
Beyond Fintech : Technology Applications for the Islamic Economy
Hazik Mohamed
167 hits

Academic Journal
Network Expansion Strategy: A Case Study of a Malaysian Motor Claims Management Company in India
Dr. Shanmugam Munuswamy, Prof. Dr. Syed Omar Syed Agil, and Prof. Dr. Zukifflee Bin Mohamed
1061 hits

Academic Journal
Cash Holdings and Their Impact on Audit Fees
Samuel Benjamin, Assoc. Prof. Dr Jayalakshmy Ramachandran, Marathamuthu, M. Srikamaladevi and Prof Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed
1900 hits

Academic Journal
Probability Approach In Estimating Valueat Risk Of Bond Portfolios For Effective Hedging
Dr. Bavani Chandra Kumar, Dr. Ravindran Ramasamy, Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed
1426 hits

Academic Journal
Direct Roles Of Service Quality And Indirect (Moderating) Roles Of Perceived Value On The Level Of Patient Satisfaction: From The Perception Of Patient Of Private Hospitals In Tripoli, Libya:SPSS And PLS Approach
Yousf Ibrahim Aljoudimi, Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed, Asst. Prof. Dr. Johari Mat
2130 hits

Academic Journal
Internal Audit Attributes and External Audit’s Reliance on Internal Audit : Implications for Audit Fees
Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed, Mazlina Mat Zain, Nava Subramaniam and Wan Fadzilah Wan Yusoff
1626 hits

Academic Journal
Embedding Economic Excellence: A Transformational Definition of “Corporate Governance” for Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed, Prof. Dr. Garry James Clayton, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa
4445 hits

Academic Journal
Islamic Mutual Funds Promotional Activities: Normal Approximation Of Binomial Distribution
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Hannan Azzahra and Prof. Dr. Zulkiffllee Mohamed
2520 hits

Academic Journal
Case Study : Customer Satisfaction In Islamic Financial Services In Malaysian Banks
Siti Syuhada Binti Ab Rahim and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed
2878 hits

Academic Journal
Factors Influencing The Penetration Rate Of Malaysian Takāful Industry From Takāful Managers’ Perspective
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed and Prof. Datuk Dr.Syed Othman AlHabshi
1441 hits

Academic Journal
The Development Of Waqf Via Sukuk Financing: The Case Of Khazanah “Sri Sukuk”
Siti Nur Sathirah Fasha, Assoc. Prof Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa and Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Bin Mohamed
2858 hits

Academic Journal
Factors Influencing Market Penetration Of Takāful Industry In Malaysia : (1985-2008)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima El Tahir Babikir Mohamed and Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi, Prof. Dato’ Kamaruddin Sharif
1453 hits

Academic Journal
Financial Education In Building Financial Literacy Among Sudanese Youth
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed
679 hits

Academic Journal
The Application Of Rule 78 In Vehicle Financing By Islamic Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa
1962 hits

Academic Journal
Waqf A Catalyst Platform For Human Capital Development Unirazak-Bank Rakyat Model
Asst. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed
1408 hits

Academic Journal
Loyalty in the Corporate World
Noraishah Mostafa and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed
659 hits

Academic Journal
Low Market Penetration of Takaful Among Malaysians: Non-Takaful Customers’ Perspective
Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed and Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi.
1999 hits

Academic Journal
Factors Influencing the Penetration Rate of Malaysian Takaful Industry from Takaful Managers’ Perspective
Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed, Syed Othman Alhabshi.
856 hits

Academic Journal
Covid-19: Impact Of Movement Control Order (Mco) On The Mental Health Of Employees And Employers In Malaysia
Norzuriani Binti Mohamed Seberi, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hemaloshinee Vasudevan
4480 hits

Academic Journal
The Influence Of Loading During Forward Lunge Exercise Training On Strength, Power And Agility
Saidatul Nur Syuhadah Mohamed Sabadri, Noor Aiwa Rosman, Mohd AzharulAzemi, Rivan Sagitha Pratama, Muhammad Zulfadli Marsal, Ardhika Falaahudin, Dody
758 hits
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