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Total records found : 4
Simplified search suggestions : Jabatan Perdana Menteri

TextBook and References
Pelan Antirasuah Nasional 2019-2023
Jabatan Perdana Menteri
125 hits

Academic Journal
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Livelihood Vulnerability of Small-Scale Fisheries Communities in Sabah, Malaysia
Mohd Fadzliee Asmat, Hilmi Mat Ghani, Raymie Nurhasan, Gazi Md Nurul Islam
2352 hits

Academic Journal
Human Resource Management Practices: Compare the Perceptions of Faculty Members in Punjab and Federal Universities
Rizwan Munawar Rana
1657 hits

Academic Journal
Traditional medicine treatment in addressing the issue of women’s stress and depression:
Siti Aishah Abd Rahman , Nooraini Othman & Mohd Afifuddin Mohamad
1960 hits

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