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Total records found : 9
Simplified search suggestions : Jennifer L Ward-Batts

TextBook and References
Economic Empowerment of Women in the Islamic World Theory and Practice
Jennifer L. Ward-Batts
144 hits

TextBook and References
Introduction to Comparative and International Education
Jennifer Marshall
100 hits

TextBook and References
The reading strategies book : your everything guide to developing skilled readers
Jennifer Serravallo
109 hits

TextBook and References
Single Case Research Methodology: Applications in Special Education and Behavioral Sciences
Jennifer R Ledford
96 hits

TextBook and References
Discovering Computers: Digital Technology, Data, and Devices 2022
Jennifer T. Campbell,
105 hits

Academic Journal
Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour
Andylla Arbi Mohamad Bolhassan, Azrul Anuar Bin Abdullah, Baheeratiy a/p Baskaran, Christina Edward Endot, Hanisah binti Tarsik, Hazlane Joos,, Jachin
7936 hits

Academic Journal
Low Market Penetration of Takaful Among Malaysians: Non-Takaful Customers’ Perspective
Dr. Omaima Eltahir Babikir Mohamed and Prof. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman Alhabshi.
2006 hits

TextBook and References
Positive Psychology: The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Human Strengths
Shane J. Lopez
201 hits

TextBook and References
The IEP from A to Z : how to create meaningful and measurable objectives
Diane Twachtman-Cullen
176 hits

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