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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 6
Simplified search suggestions : Jeremy Harmer

TextBook and References
The Practice of English Language Teaching
Jeremy Harmer
140 hits

The Impact and Relationship between Perceived Service and Product Quality to Brand Leadership for Fast-Food Restaurants in the QSR Industry
Jeremy Kabinchong
227 hits

TextBook and References
Financial Shenanigans : How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks and Fraud in Financial Reports
Howard M. Schilit, Jeremy Perler, Yoni Engelhart
257 hits

TextBook and References
Positive Psychology for Teachers
Jeremy Swinson
90 hits

Academic Journal
Case Study On “Motivation” Medical Team As Front Liners To Fight Covid-19 Disease
Mohammad Azuwar Bin Dol Mofti and Asst. Prof. Dr. Hemaloshinee Vasudevan
1926 hits

Growing Pains of Jumia Marketplace : APan - African E-Commerce Group
Kusimo Oluwatosin Rebecca
322 hits

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