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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 11
Simplified search suggestions : Laura E Berk

TextBook and References
Development Through the Lifespan
Laura E. Berk
130 hits

TextBook and References
Infants and Children: Prenatal Through Middle Childhood
Laura E. Berk
129 hits

TextBook and References
Exploring Lifespan Development
Laura E. Berk
119 hits

TextBook and References
Business Ethics Decision Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility
Laura P. Hartman, Joseph DesJardins, and Chris MacDonald
598 hits

TextBook and References
Sustainable Development, Career Counselling and Career Education
Laura Nota, Ilaria Di Maggio, Maria Cristina Ginevra, Salvatore Soresi, Sara Santilli
233 hits

TextBook and References
Corporate Finance
Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo
541 hits

TextBook and References
Human Resource Management
Derek Torrington, Laura Hall, Carol Atkinson, Stephen Taylor
574 hits

TextBook and References
Child Development: An Active Learning Approach
Laura E. Levine
115 hits

TextBook and References
Corporate Finance: The Core
Jonathan Berk
101 hits

Academic Journal
A Case Study Approach for Developing Supply Chain Management Models
A. K. M. Nurol Huda, Bishwajit Banik Pathik, Ashfaque A. Mohib, Md. Mamun Habib
1327 hits

TextBook and References
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 34
Michael B. Paulsen
78 hits

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