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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 6
Simplified search suggestions : Marc Loriol

TextBook and References
Stress and Suffering at Work : The Role of Culture and Society
Marc Loriol
162 hits

TextBook and References
Learning Java : An Introduction to Real-world Programming with Java
Marc Loy, Patrick Niemeyer & Daniel Leuck
343 hits

Academic Journal
Demand and Supply Planning in Retail Operations
Ferdoush Saleheen, Md. Mamun Habib, Bishwajit Banik Pathik, Zurina Hanafi
1775 hits

Academic Journal
Challenges of Warehouse Operations:
Ferdoush Saleheen, Mahadi Hasan Miraz, Md. Mamun Habib, Zurina Hanafi
1009 hits

Academic Journal
A Case Study Approach for Developing Supply Chain Management Models
A. K. M. Nurol Huda, Bishwajit Banik Pathik, Ashfaque A. Mohib, Md. Mamun Habib
1330 hits

TextBook and References
Fundamentals of cognition
Michael W. Eysenck
75 hits

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