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Total records found : 43
Simplified search suggestions : Merilee S Grindle edited

TextBook and References
Politics and Policy Implementation in the Third World
Merilee S. Grindle, edited.
886 hits

TextBook and References
Human Resource Management for Organizational Sustainability
Radha R. Sharma, edited
1021 hits

TextBook and References
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation : Advances in Research and Theory
Brian H. Ross, edited.
1130 hits

TextBook and References
English in the Digital Age Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the Teaching of English
Andrew Goodwyn, edited
982 hits

TextBook and References
The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning
Carol A. Chapelle and Shannon Sauro, edited
1038 hits

TextBook and References
Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis : Gender, Power, and Ideology in Discourse
Michelle M. Lazar, edited
1043 hits

TextBook and References
Identity Trouble : Critical Discourse and Contested Identities
Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard, Rick Iedema, edited
1665 hits

TextBook and References
Early Childhood Education and Care Policy and Practice
Margaret Clark, Tim Waller,edited
1655 hits

TextBook and References
Approaches to Early Childhood Education
Jaipaul L. Roopnarine and James E. Johnson, edited
1325 hits

TextBook and References
Issues in 21st Century World Politics
Mark Beeson and Nick Bisley, edited
1217 hits

TextBook and References
Multimodal Perspectives of Language, Literacy, and Learning in Early Childhood of Making Meaning the Creative and Critic
Marilyn J. Narey, edited
913 hits

TextBook and References
Preschool Bilingual Education Agency in Interactions Between Children, Teachers, and Parents
Mila Schwartz, edited
835 hits

TextBook and References
Constitution- making in Asia : Decolonisation and State- building in the Aftermath of the British Empire
H. Kumarasingham, edited
801 hits

TextBook and References
Philosophies of Islamic Education : Historical Perspectives and Emerging Discourses
Nadeem A. Memon and Mujadad Zaman, edited
654 hits

TextBook and References
Technology and Digital Media in the Early Years : Tools for Teaching and Learning
Chip Donohue, edited
607 hits

TextBook and References
Pragmatics of Social Media
Christian R. Hoffmann, Wolfram Bublitz, edited.
491 hits

TextBook and References
Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology
Robert A. Reiser, John V. Dempsey, edited.
1050 hits

TextBook and References
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Pragmatics
Naoko Taguchi, edited
414 hits

TextBook and References
Contemporary Linguistics : an Introduction
William O'Grady and John Archibald, edited
687 hits

TextBook and References
The Psychology of Problem Solving
Janet E. Davidson, Robert J. Sternberg, edited.
882 hits
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