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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 100
Simplified search suggestions : Michael T Miller G David Gearhart

TextBook and References
Handbook of Research on the Changing Role of College and University Leadership
Michael T. Miller and G. David Gearhart
528 hits

Academic Journal
Determinants Of Loan Loss Provisions Of Commercial Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie and Prof. Datuk Seri Md. Zabid Hj Abdul Rashid.
5060 hits

Academic Journal
Loan Loss Provisioning Practices
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong and David Yong Gun Fie
3541 hits

Academic Journal
Loan Loss Reserves (LLR), Expected Loss (EL), And Value At Risks (Var)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa , Dr. Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie and Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md. Zabid Hj. Abdul Rashid.
4202 hits

TextBook and References
Armstrong;s Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management
Michael Armstrong
867 hits

TextBook and References
Armstrongs Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management Improve Business Performance Through Strategic People Management
Michael Armstrong
737 hits

TextBook and References
Research Methods in Language Policy and Planning a Practical Guide
Francis M. Hult and David Cassels Johnson
1215 hits

TextBook and References
Innovation, the Missing Dimension
Richard K. Lester & Michael J. Piore
1193 hits

TextBook and References
Writing Analytically
David Rosenwasser; Jill Stephen
1502 hits

TextBook and References
Strategic Entrepreneurship Creating a New Mindset
Michael A. Hitt
648 hits

TextBook and References
Consumer Behavior 2017-2018
Richard K. Miller and Kelli Washington
742 hits

TextBook and References
Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior
Natalie T. Wood and Michael R. Solomon, editors
1018 hits

TextBook and References
Electronic Commerce 2018 : A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective
Efraim Turban, Jon Outland, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-Peng Liang, Deborrah C. Turban
1230 hits

TextBook and References
Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability
Wheelen, Thomas L., Hunger, J. David, Hoffman, Alan N., Bamford, Charles E
1626 hits

TextBook and References
From STEM to STEAM Brain-compatible Strategies and Lessons that Integrate the Arts
David A. Sousa, Tom Pilecki
1027 hits

TextBook and References
ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook Using the Standards as a Framework for Business Improvement
David Hoyle
1043 hits

TextBook and References
Quality Management for Organizational Excellence Introduction to Total Quality
David L.Goetsch, Stanley B. Davis
1015 hits

TextBook and References
Strategic Management : a Competitive Advantage Approach, Concept & Cases
Fred R. David and Forest R. David
827 hits

TextBook and References
ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook Using the Standards as a Framework for Business Improvement
David Hoyle
709 hits

TextBook and References
ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook Increasing the Quality
David Hoyle
719 hits
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