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Total records found : 483
Simplified search suggestions : Mohd Azhar Abdul Hamid editor

Book and Textbook
Penghayatan Etika dan Peradaban
Mohd Azhar Abdul Hamid, editor
146 hits

Academic Journal
Regulatory Capital Funds And Risk-Sharing Behavior In Distressed Financial Conditions: An Empirical Analysis On Islamic Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md. Zabid Hj Abdul Rashid
10514 hits

Academic Journal
Determinants Of Loan Loss Provisions Of Commercial Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie and Prof. Datuk Seri Md. Zabid Hj Abdul Rashid.
13965 hits

Academic Journal
Islamic Deposits And Investment Accounts In Incomesmoothing In Post-Reclassification Of The Islamic financial Service Act 2013
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa and Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid
8912 hits

Academic Journal
Shadow Banking Credit Intermediation: Determinants Of Default Risks In Securitization And Collateralization
Assoc. Prof Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa and Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md. Zabid Haji Abdul Rashid
9041 hits

Academic Journal
Loan Loss Reserves (LLR), Expected Loss (EL), And Value At Risks (Var)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa , Dr. Yap Voon Choong, David Yong Gun Fie and Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md. Zabid Hj. Abdul Rashid.
11974 hits

Academic Journal
Equity-Based Financing, Deposit And Investment accounts: Evidence Of Islamic Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd and Prof. Datuk Seri Dr. Md. Zabid Hj.Abdul Rashid
7786 hits

Academic Journal
Measuring Readiness, Acceptance and Satisfaction of Innovative Digital Economy: Preliminary Findings
Prof. Dr. Hazita Azman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali Salman, Prof. Dr. Supyan Hussin, Prof. Datin Dr. Norizan Abdul Razak, Mohd Safar Hashim, Prof. Dr. Musa A
5952 hits

Academic Journal
Kesan Strategi Metakognitif Dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kemahiran Belajar:
Aminah Binti Mat Yusoff & Dr. Mohd Hisyam Bin Abdul Rahim
9394 hits

Book and Textbook
Halal Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Southeast Asia
Nor Aida Abdul Rahman (editor), Azizul Hassan (editor), Mohammad FakhrulNizam Mohammad (editor)
2286 hits

Book and Textbook
Kursus Integriti dan Rasuah Institut Pengajian Tinggi
Mohamad Tarmize Abdul Manaf, Maznah Che Muda, Siti Zakiah Che Man, Samsul Salip Mohd Nur, Lokman Samingan, Suryani Ali
1568 hits

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
Awareness Talk 4.0: Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Prof Emeritius Tan Sri Dr. Zakri Abdul Hamid.
379 hits

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
Teh Tarik Session: Siaran Langsung Dalam Talian Bersama Bekas Atlet Negara
Ybhg. Dato Abdul Malik Noor, En. Mninderjit Singh, En. Aminuddin Mohd Nasir
1447 hits

Optimizing Professional Development At Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia (CAAM): Implementation Of Webinar-Based Learning As A Cost-Effective Solution.
Siti Nurulhuda binti Abdul Hamid
583 hits

Academic Journal
It’s the company you keep that matters: A study on effects of friends and mentor on opportunity recognition
Asst. Prof. Dr. Wei Lee Lim, Prof. Dr. Mohar Yusof, Prof. Dr. Siri Roland Xavier and Dr.Leilanie Mohd Nor
9389 hits

Academic Journal
Case Study: An Olympic Size Swimming Pool In The City
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Nor Azami Rosli and Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohammed
8691 hits

Academic Journal
Embedding Economic Excellence: A Transformational Definition of “Corporate Governance” for Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Zulkifflee Mohamed, Prof. Dr. Garry James Clayton, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa
11986 hits

Academic Journal
Loan Loss Provisioning Practices
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa, Dr. Yap Voon Choong and David Yong Gun Fie
9736 hits

Academic Journal
Islamic Mutual Funds Promotional Activities: Normal Approximation Of Binomial Distribution
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Bin Mohd Isa, Hannan Azzahra and Prof. Dr. Zulkiffllee Mohamed
7442 hits

Academic Journal
Time-Series Analysis Of Equity-Based Financing, Deposit And Investment Accounts: Evidence Of Islamic Banks In Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Yaziz Mohd Isa
6187 hits
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