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Total records found : 17
Simplified search suggestions : Nancy Douglas

TextBook and References
Reading Explorer 1
Nancy Douglas
251 hits

TextBook and References
Basic Statistics for Business and Economics
Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal, Samuel A. Wathen
468 hits

TextBook and References
The Cycle of Leadership How Great Leaders Teach Their Companies to Win
Noel M. Tichy, with Nancy Cardwell
296 hits

TextBook and References
Improving Public Services : International Experiences in Using Evaluation Tools to Measure Program Performance
Baehler, Karen J.; Besharov, Douglas J.; Klerman, Jacob Alex
398 hits

TextBook and References
Social Work Practice With Children
Nancy Boyd Webb; foreword by Luis H. Zayas
297 hits

TextBook and References
Auditing Cases : An Interactive Learning Approach
Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glover, Douglas F. Prawitt
613 hits

TextBook and References
The Failure of Risk Management : Why its Broken and How to Fix It
Douglas W. Hubbard
238 hits

TextBook and References
The Wiley Handbook of Early Childhood Care and Education
Christopher P. Brown, Mary Benson McMullen, and Nancy File, edited
516 hits

TextBook and References
Counselling in Cultural Contexts Identities and Social Justice
Nancy Arthur
286 hits

TextBook and References
Language Assessment : Principles and Classroom Practices
H. Douglas Brown
232 hits

TextBook and References
Principles of language learning and teaching : a course in second language acquisition
H. Douglas Brown
109 hits

TextBook and References
Teaching by principles : an interactive approach to language pedagogy
H. Douglas Brown
107 hits

Academic Journal
International Journal of Management, Accounting, Governance and Education (IMAGE)
Unknown author
4008 hits

Academic Journal
Global Business & Finance Review
Jeong-Gil Choi
8090 hits

Academic Journal
Low Carbon Freight Services Analysis: A Review Study
Shahla Deris, Suhaiza Zailani, Md. Mamun Habib, Mohammad Reza Mansournia
2313 hits

TextBook and References
Emerging Technologies for the Classroom: A Learning Sciences Perspective
Chrystalla Mouza ( Editor)
101 hits

TextBook and References
Theory of constraints and thinking processes for creative thinkers : creative problem solving
Umesh P. Nagarkatte
112 hits

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