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Total records found : 4
Simplified search suggestions : Nik Fareez Rizal Bin Nik Faizul

Green Homes And What Sells Them: An Investigation Of The Buyer’s Viewpoint
Nik Fareez Rizal Bin Nik Faizul
140 hits

Academic Journal
Entrepreneur’s Ambidexterity, Knowledge Brokerage And Firm Performance: Preliminary Findings
Nurul Afza Hashim, Ching Seng Yap, Rizal Ahmad, Farah Waheeda Jalaludin
1973 hits

Academic Journal
Personality Traits, Entrepreneur’s Ambidexterity, And Knowledge Brokerage : Evidence From Technology Firms
Dr. Ching Seng Yap, Dr. Rizal Ahmad, Nurul Afza Hashim and Farah Waheeda Jalaludin
2064 hits

Factors Affecting in Improving Quality in Production
Ahmad Rizal Bin Bahrom Azhar
698 hits

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