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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 9
Simplified search suggestions : Steve Ogden-Barnes Stella Minahan

TextBook and References
Sales Promotion Decision Making : Concepts, Principles, and Practice
Steve Ogden-Barnes and Stella Minahan
276 hits

TextBook and References
The Study Skills Handbook
Stella Cottrell
206 hits

TextBook and References
Digital Strategies for Powerful Corporate Communications
Paul A. Argenti and Courtney M. Barnes
677 hits

TextBook and References
IT Governance an International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002
Alan Calder, Steve Watkins
441 hits

TextBook and References
IT Governance : an International Guide to Data Security and ISO 27001/ISO 27002
Steve Watkins; Alan Calder
258 hits

TextBook and References
Next Level Sales Coaching :
Steve Johnson, Matthew Hawk
328 hits

TextBook and References
Communication in Everyday Life: A Survey of Communication
Steve Duck
143 hits

TextBook and References
Spiritual science : why science needs spirituality to make sense of the world
Steve Taylor
114 hits

Academic Journal
Global Business & Finance Review
Jeong-Gil Choi
8115 hits

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