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Browse by: Subject Faculty Year
Total records found : 6
Simplified search suggestions : Suneeta Monga Diane Benoit

TextBook and References
Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children the Taming Sneaky Fears Program
Suneeta Monga, Diane Benoit
271 hits

TextBook and References
Assessing and Treating Anxiety Disorders in Young Children : The Taming Sneaky Fears Program
Suneeta Monga, Diane Benoit
236 hits

TextBook and References
Addiction Treatment : A Strengths Perspective
Katherine van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis
271 hits

TextBook and References
Techniques and principles in language teaching
Diane Larsen-Freeman
117 hits

TextBook and References
The IEP from A to Z : how to create meaningful and measurable objectives
Diane Twachtman-Cullen
177 hits

TextBook and References
Ethics for the very Young a Philosophy Curriculum for Early Childhood Education
Erik Kenyon
197 hits

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