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Total records found : 19
Simplified search suggestions : Tan Sri Faridah Aziz

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
UR Insightful Series 01: Then and Now: Remaining Steadfast in Our Changing World
Tan Sri Faridah Aziz
197 hits

Academic Journal
The Influence of Emotional Labour Strategies on Customer Satisfaction and Word of Mouth Recommendations in Group Tours
Shin Yiing Lee, Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Samsinar Md Sidin and Prof. Madya Dr. Rosli Saleh
1594 hits

Academic Journal
Differences between service quality and customer satisfaction: Implications from tourism industry
Ayman Sherbini, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Samsinar Md Sidin and Dr. Raja Nerina Raja Yusof
1586 hits

Academic Journal
Effects of emotional labor on customer outcomes: tourists’ perspectives
Lee Shin Yiing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Samsinar Md. Sidin and Prof. Madya Dr. Rosli Saleh
1585 hits

Academic Journal
Income diversification for future stable Economy in Saudi Arabia: an overview of the tourism industry
Ayman Sherbini, Prof. Dr. Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Samsinar Md. Sidin
1277 hits

Academic Journal
Income diversification for future stable Economy in Saudi Arabia: an overview Of the tourism industry
Ayman Sherbini, Prof. Dr. Yuhanis Abdul Aziz, Prof. Datin Paduka Dr. Samsinar Md Sidin
1073 hits

Academic Journal
Comparison Of Registration Status Of Institutional Taska Services In East Coast Malaysia
Dr. Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa, Norazura Azid, Darvinatasya Kharuddin, Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim, Lee Yoon Hong, Sharifah Omha
948 hits

Academic Journal
Application Of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) In Estimating The Contributing Factors To Satisfaction Of TASKA Services In East Coast Malaysia
Dr. Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin, Norazura Azid, Assoc. Prof. by Dr. Zaida Mustafa, Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim, Darvinatasya Kharuddin.
798 hits

Academic Journal
Estimating the Determinant Factors to Satisfaction of TASKA Services in Malaysia
Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim, Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin
1155 hits

Academic Journal
Application of Structural Equation Modelling in Estimating the Contributing Factors to Mathematics Performance
Asst Prof. Dr. Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin, Norazura Azid , Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaida Mustafa, Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim , Darvinatasya Kharuddin
1132 hits

Academic Journal
An International Comparative Study of Student’s Attitude towards Science in Four Asian Countries
Ku Faridah Ku Ibrahim, Asst Prof. Dr. Azrul Fazwan Kharuddin, Assoc Prof. Dr.Zaida Mustafa, Norazura Azid , Darvinatasya Kharuddin
1068 hits

Academic Journal
Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of Digital Storytelling in the Home-Based Learning During the Pandemic
Yee Bee Choo, Faridah Mohd Sopah, Salbihana Samsudin, Halif Md. Saleh and Vijayan Periasamy
508 hits

Academic Journal
Content Validation of an Islamic Leadership Model for Preschool Children using the Nominal Group Technique
Sabariah Faridah Jamaluddin,Zaida Mustafa
481 hits

Academic Journal
An Alternative Heuristics For Bin Packing Problem
Nurul Afza Hashim, Faridah Zulkipli, Siti Sarah Januri and Dr. S.Sarifah Radiah Shariff
648 hits

The Moderating Role of Exchange Rate in Determining Share Prices
Azizul Bin Aziz
171 hits

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
GECPC2021 : Commemorative Speech
YB Senator Tengku Datuk Seri Utama Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, Minister of Finance, Malaysia
199 hits

Factors Affecting Employee Retention in Malaysia's Private Equity Sector
Natasya Aziaton Maulad Abdul Aziz
20 hits

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
GECPC2021 : Theme : Education Technology
Kuala Lumpur
254 hits

UR Channels - Videos and Photos
GECPC2021 : Theme : Education Technology
Kuala Lumpur
204 hits

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