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Total records found : 4
Simplified search suggestions : Walter T Champion Jr

TextBook and References
Sports Ethics For Sports Management Professionals
Walter T. Champion Jr.
74 hits

TextBook and References
Growing up with Literature
Walter E. Sawyer ; foreword by Francis P. Hodge.
250 hits

Academic Journal
Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour
Andylla Arbi Mohamad Bolhassan, Azrul Anuar Bin Abdullah, Baheeratiy a/p Baskaran, Christina Edward Endot, Hanisah binti Tarsik, Hazlane Joos,, Jachin
7919 hits

Academic Journal
Low Carbon Freight Services Analysis: A Review Study
Shahla Deris, Suhaiza Zailani, Md. Mamun Habib, Mohammad Reza Mansournia
2307 hits

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