UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka

Subject: Banking, Finance (204 items)
1 Fundamentals of Corporate FinanceTextBook and References
2A Modern Perspective of Islamic Economics and FinanceTextBook and References
3An Introduction to Banking Principles, Strategy and Risk ManagementTextBook and References
4An Introduction to Offshore BankingTextBook and References
5Blockchain And Digital Cryptocurrency - RFIN3423Question Bank
6Bond And Mutual Fund Investment - GFIN5433Question Bank
7Business Finance: Theory and Practice TextBook and References
8Corporate FinanceTextBook and References
9Corporate financeTextBook and References
10Corporate Finance and Investment Decisions and StrategiesTextBook and References
11Credit Operation - RFIN3333Question Bank
12Credit Operation - RFIN3333AQuestion Bank
13Derivatives Investment - GFIN5443Question Bank
14Digital Bank : Strategies to Launch or Become a Digital BankTextBook and References
15Economic Development and Financial Markets Latest Research and Policy Insights from Central and Southeastern EuropeTextBook and References
16Essentials of financial management TextBook and References
17Essentials of Financial ManagementTextBook and References
18Ethics In Islamic Finance - BFIN3323Question Bank
19Finance for Executives : Managing for Value CreationTextBook and References
20Finance for Non-financial ManagersTextBook and References
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