UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka

Subject: Entrepreneurship (42 items)
1Capacity Building in Developing and Emerging Countries from Mindset Transformation to Promoting Entrepreneurship and Diaspora InvolvementTextBook and References
2Digital Startups in Transition Economies Challenges for Management, Entrepreneurship, and EducationTextBook and References
3Entrepreneurial Culture And Behaviour - RENT3113Question Bank
4Entrepreneurial Culture And Behaviour - RENT3113Question Bank
5EntrepreneurshipTextBook and References
6Entrepreneurship and small business : start-up, growth and maturityTextBook and References
7Entrepreneurship Theory, Process, PracticeTextBook and References
8Financing For Entrepreneurship - RENT4614Question Bank
9Innovation and Creativity in SMEsTextBook and References
10Introduction To E-Commerce - RMGT1213Question Bank
11Introduction To Entrepreneurship - RENT1113Question Bank
12Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education - EMGT1133Question Bank
13Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education - EMGT4113Question Bank
14Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education - EMGT4113Question Bank
15Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education - EMGT4113Question Bank
16Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education - EMGT4113Question Bank
17Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education-UG - EMGT1133Question Bank
18Management And Entrepreneurship In Early Childhood Education-UG - EMGT4113Question Bank
19Management And Entrepreneurship In ECE - EMGT1133Question Bank
20Mastering the balance of a healthy life and bodyTextBook and References
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