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Year: 2006 (13 items)
1Brief Counselling in Schools: Working with Young People from 11 to 18TextBook and References
2Career Counseling: A Holistic ApproachTextBook and References
3How to Write a ThesisTextBook and References
4International Business : Theory and PracticeTextBook and References
5International Business: Theory and PracticeTextBook and References
6Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing for DummiesTextBook and References
7Qualitative Research : Recent Developments in Case Study MethodsTextBook and References
8Qualitative Research : Recent Developments in Case Study MethodsTextBook and References
9Resonant Leadership Renewing Yourself and Connecting With Others Through Mindfulness, Hope, and CompassionTextBook and References
10Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social ChangeTextBook and References
11Strategic EntrepreneurshipTextBook and References
12The Prepared Mind of a Leader: Eight Skills Leaders Use to Innovate, Make Decisions, and Solve ProblemsTextBook and References
13The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific MindTextBook and References

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