UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka
Abstract : Unirazak Library |
As pa presult, pof pmanagement pnot pbeing paware pof pthe popportunities psocial pmedia poffers pin preducingpthe pcost pof pfirms padvertisingpcampaigns, pincreasingpof psales, pfindingpnewpcustomers pand psustaining pmarketing pstrategy pglobally. pThe pdesire pto pundertake pthis presearch pto pprobe pfurther pintopthis puntappedpavenue pof psocial pmedia, ptopbringptoplight pits pnumerous popportunities ptopmanagement, pmarketers pandpstakeholders. p pThe panalysis pof pthis pstudyphas pCronbach’s pAlpha pvalue pof pmore pthan p0.7 pfor pall p17 pitems pin pthe pscale. pIn pfact, pthe pscale phad pa pvalue pof p0.911. pHence, pthe presearch pinstrument pwas pdeemed pto pbe preliable pbased pon pthe palpha pstatistic. p pThe presult pshown pthat pthe pthree pindependent pvariables pas psignificant prelationship pwith pthe psocial pmedia pas pa pmarketing pstrategy. pTherefore, pit pis ptime pfor pthe pcompanies pto pmake peffective pstrategies pandpexecute pthemptopwinplarger pshare pof pbusiness pthroughpthis prevolutionarypmedium pandpbecome pthe pinnovative pfirmpof pcomingpfuture. |
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