UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka

Faculty: Tun Razak Graduate School (306 items)
61Data Mining - GMDS5223Question Bank
62Derivatives Investment - GFIN5443Question Bank
63Determinants of Intention to Use Malaysia Airlines by Malaysia Travelers Thesis
64Determinants of Lianglu Small Bottle Wine Purchasing Behavior among the Working Adults in Sichuan, ChinaThesis
65Determination Of Customer Satisfaction FrameworkThesis
66Does Customer Loyalty Impact on Operational Management and Product Market Performance? A Malaysian Electronic Manufacturing PerspectiveThesis
67Economics And Public Policy - TECO5113Question Bank
68Economics And Public Policy - TECO5113Question Bank
69Economics For Managers - GECO5213Question Bank
70Employee Engagement against the Policies and Procedures Set in a CompanyThesis
71Employee Stock Option Plan and Firm Performance: A Regression Approach on Malaysian FirmThesis
72Employees Work Performance and Its Relation to Work Place Surroundings ChangesThesis
73Entrepreneurship - M1-GENT5113/QYM6013Question Bank
74Ethical Leadership, Leadership Effectiveness, and Micromanagement Influenced Employee Turnover IntentionThesis
75Ethics In Management - M2-QGM5043Question Bank
76Ethics In Management - M2QGM5043Question Bank
77Evaluating Relationship between Training and Development and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in Sarawak Islamic Agencies Thesis
78Exploring Success Factors for Business Intelligence System (BIS) Implementation ReadinessThesis
79External Factors Influencing Unemployment among Fresh GraduatesThesis
80Factor Affecting Celebrity Endorsement on Customer Purchase Intention in Social Media among Online Shopper in MalaysiThesis
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