UNIRAZAK Library Pustaka

Subject: Management (546 items)
1 Economics for managersTextBook and References
2A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation ModelingTextBook and References
3A Framework for Marketing ManagementTextBook and References
4A Framework for Marketing ManagementTextBook and References
5A Preface to Marketing ManagementTextBook and References
6A Preface to Marketing ManagementTextBook and References
7Advanced Production And Operation Management - RMGT3333AQuestion Bank
8Advanced Production And Operations Management - BMGT3333Question Bank
9Advanced Production And Operations Management - RMGT3333Question Bank
10Advanced Production And Operations Management - RMGT3333Question Bank
11After Leadership TextBook and References
12An Introduction to Banking Principles, Strategy and Risk ManagementTextBook and References
13An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision MakingTextBook and References
14An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative Approaches to Decision MakingTextBook and References
15Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management PracticeTextBook and References
16Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making (Blackwell Handbooks of Experimental Psychology)TextBook and References
17Blue Ocean Strategy : How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition IrrelevantTextBook and References
18Brand Management : Research, Theory and PracticeTextBook and References
19Business and Administrative CommunicationTextBook and References
20Business Ethics Decision Making for Personal Integrity and Social ResponsibilityTextBook and References
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