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Year: 2003 (15 items)
1A Study on Factors Influencing Working Adults to Continue Study in Higher EducationThesis
2Applied Multiple Regression Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral SciencesTextBook and References
3Communication Issues within Logistics in MalaysiaThesis
4Culture’s consequences : comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nationsTextBook and References
5Doing Business Internationally : The Guide to Cross-cultural SuccessTextBook and References
6English as a Global LanguageTextBook and References
7English language learning and technology : lectures on applied linguistics in the age of information and communication technologyTextBook and References
8Factor Influence Employee Satisfaction toward Effectiveness of Payroll Management Thesis
9Factors Influencing Mobile Subscribers' Adoption 5G Services in MalaysiaThesis
10Finance for Non-financial ManagersTextBook and References
11Fixed-income securities : valuation, risk management, and portfolio strategiesTextBook and References
12Research Paradigms in Organizational Learning and Performance: Competing Modes of InquiryTextBook and References
13Research paradigms in organizational learning and performance: Competing modes of inquiryTextBook and References
14The Psychology of Problem SolvingTextBook and References
15The Role of Digital Marketing as Business Development Strategy for SMEs and Start-Ups in MalaysiaThesis

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