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Faculty: Tun Razak Graduate School (306 items)
121Halal Logo and Product Quality Moderated by Pricing to Influence Purchase IntentionThesis
122Human Capital Development And Talent Management - GHRM5223Question Bank
123Human Capital Development And Talent Management - GHRM5223Question Bank
124Human Capital Development And Talent Management - M2GHRM5223Question Bank
125Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Industry Challenge in the Malaysia Automotive Market in the Next 5 YearsThesis
126Impact of Covid-19 Challenges towards Mental Health and Organization Performance of Hotel Industry in Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaThesis
127Impact of Digitalization on the Performance of the Workforce in Malaysian OrganizationsThesis
128Impact of Human Resource Training on Employee PerformanceThesis
129Impact of Leadership on Employee Performance in the Food and Beverages (F&B) Industry in MalaysiaThesis
130Impact of Project Risk Management on the ProjectPerformance in MalaysiaThesis
131Impact of Service Quality and Shariah Compliance on Customers of Malaysian Islamic BanksThesis
132Industrial Relations Management - GLAW5213Question Bank
133Industrial Relations Management - GLAW5213Question Bank
134Industrial Relations Management - M2GLAW5213Question Bank
135Inequity, Vulnerability and Livelihoods of Small-Scale Fisheries: A Case of No-Take Marine Protected Area in Perhentian Islands, MalaysiaThesis
136Influence of Leadership Styles on Employee Performance in Food Safety and Health in MalaysiaThesis
137Influence of Live Commerce on Purchase Intention among Generations in MalaysiaThesis
138Influence of psychological status during COVID-19 on staff management of hospital disinfection supply centerThesis
139Information Technology Fundamentals - RCIT2113Question Bank
140Innovation And Creativity - GINV5113 Question Bank
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